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CI story

The symbol mark is a visual object that represents the entire KH. The three-dimensional perspective of the KH Group that looking forward to the future was expressed as a ‘window into the future’. It symbolizes the life with full of happiness and the corporate’s will to pursue continuous technological advancement and innovation.

The representative logo type visualizes the English notation, which is the name of KH, and has the representativeness of KH. ‘KH’ is an abbreviation of Korea Happiness. It contains the values that inspire people’s lives and the future based on excellent technology and innovation, and that they want to grow as a happy Korea and a global company.

The image of KH must be used in accordance with the regulations outlined in the guide so that it should be delivered correctly. And it cannot be used by arbitrarily damaged or altered in any case.

  • KH Light Blue
    Pantone 299 C
    R0 G185 B239
  • KH Deep Blue
    Pantone 280 C
    C100 M80 Y0 K35
    R0 G44 B118
  • KH Light Gray
    Pantone Cool Gray 4 C
    C0 M0 Y0 K15
    R224 G255 B255
  • KH Gold
    Pantone 872 C
  • KH Blcak
    K 100
  • KH Silver
    Pantone 877 C

Color System

The image of KH must be used in accordance with the regulations outlined in the guide so that it should be delivered correctly. And it cannot be used by arbitrarily damaged or altered in any case.